花はおそかった (美樹克彦,1967)

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花はおそかった(英語仮訳:My sweet flower is no more.)は日本人の男性歌手目方誠(芸名:美樹克彦)が1967年に発表した歌謡曲。 あこがれの女性が今はいない寂しさを絶叫調歌詞で歌う。作詞は星野哲郎、作曲は米山正夫

歌詞 (英語仮訳)[編集]

Even Clouds are ignoring my sadness in my room
Sunny sky makes nothing but my solitude.
I hate white clouds.
My sweet Kaoru,I apologize too late.
My love Kaoru,I apologize too late.
I've found and gathered your sweet flowers.
You've loved Crocus.So I've gathered.
My sweet Kaoru,I apologize too late.
My love Kaoru,I apologize too late.
My sweet flowers were not in time.
My sweet Kaoru,in your white handes.
My lovely Kaoru,in your innocent heart.
With Crocus.
Our memories with Crocus.
My sweet Kaoru,I apologize too late.
My love Kaoru,I apologize too late.
My sweet flowers ware not in time.


I no believe!
Your permanent absence.
Your love,my life.
Bring back to me!
My sweet flowers ware not in time.
